Complete solutions for medical furniture from Merianto Medical for Tartu University Hospital.
Complete solutions for medical furniture from Merianto Medical. Marin Soomets Photos: Merianto Furniture manufacturer Merianto has been furnishing medical facilities for more than ten years. The procurement of procedural and specialised furniture completed at Tartu University Hospital in August was the largest hospital project conducted in Estonia for Merianto Medical. “On the medical campus […]
Dedicated medical furniture supports the daily work of healthcare workers
Text: Marin Soomets Photos: Rait Tuulas Rapidly evolving healthcare needs furniture that can be adapted to suit your needs. Among other things, the furniture must accommodate different amounts and sizes of medicine packages and accessories. All this has been taken into consideration by Estonia’s own furniture manufacturer Merianto, who just furnished the Y-corpus nephrology centre […]
Merianto Medica 2023 messuilla
Merianto osallistuu jälleen kerran Medica-messuille Düsseldorfissa! Tällä kertaa toivotamme teidät tervetulleiksi osastollemme H15F16 – Viron yhteisosastolle Medica 2023 messuilla!
A good tool saves time and energy
Text: Karoli Noor Photos: Andres Raudjalg Health care is evolving and new techniques, medicines and aids are constantly being introduced to improve the treatment options for patients and facilitate the work of nurses. To conveniently find, use and transport the tools needed for work, you need suitable furniture that can be quickly adapted when necessary. […]
Sairaalatekniikan päivät 05-06.02.2019 Tampereella
Osallistumme 2019 Sairaalateknikan päiville Tampereella! Tervetuloa tutustumaan osastollemme 108!